Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sierra support (hu) - ice age 2

I sent a complaint to the Hungarian technical representative of Sierra, the game publisher company.
I tried to complain I was unable to run the game I bought for my sons on a PC.
They answered if installation of a game was so difficult for me I should choose some alternative TYPE OF PRESENTS for my children.
("Mindemellett azt gondolom, hogyha nem tud feltelepíteni egy játékot,illetve ilyen komoly nehézségeket jelent Önnek,akkor kérjen segítséget, vagy talán tanácsosabb lenne esetleg másjellegű ajándékot keresnie !")
Thanks for the adwise. I will consider NOT TO BYE any computer games anymore. (Especially not one from Sierra.) It's a pitty my younger son loves the computer games.